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Yvette Ratshikhopa


Yvette Ratshikhopa

Author of Living Consciously and NLP coach, Yvette Ratshikhopa will be chatting with us today about getting over your fears and past hurt to let yourself live fearlessly.

Each chapter of the book comes with affirmations that serve in working on soul shifting and paradigm-changing concepts into one’s consciousness. The book is there to help those who want to create the perfect life that they want and setting fear ad doubt aside. The book has exercises at the end of some chapters in order to assist the reader to take those first steps in understanding what needs to be done to create that change in their lives.

We do not need to succumb to fear, we can work to overcome the fears in our lives fearlessly.

Instagram: @yvette_aloe
Twitter: @yvette_aloe
Website: www.yvettealoe.co.za

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