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Shaheema McLeod

Shaheema McLeod
Shaheema McLeod

The Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children (SBCWC ) is a one-stop centre for women and children who are survivors of abuse. Our vision is the creation of a safe and secure society and a human rights culture where women and children are empowered to exercise their full rights.
We provide the following services to women and their children who experience domestic and/or sexual violence:
1A 24-hour emergency shelter (safe accommodation)

2Short and medium term residential care
3Childcare services
4Counselling, mental health support, legal and economic empowerment services
5Children's counselling
6Research in gender-based violence
7Job Skills training
8Legal advice

Website: http://www.saartjiebaartmancentre.org.za/
Facebook: Saartjie Baartman Centre
Twitter: @SB_Centre

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Snuggling under a warm blanket
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