Sandy Pekeur-Sandy
Autism is a neurodevelopment disorder that affects the functioning of certain areas of the brain and is a curable condition. Many have kept it under wraps or do not venture out of the child's comfort space and do not know that there is a solution out there.
Joshua Sandy was born 2 months premature and weighed 1.7kg and was born on Autism Day. It has been very challenging and currently attending a school in Athlone, he was nominated and assessed by his Principal Sunkaree to go for a Stem Cell Therapy operation in India. Yes! It all sounded so great, but parents Sandy and Macr Sandy had no means to send Joshua for this operation. So together with Afrosapien Entertainment and Sandy, they organised a fundraiser at Fire and Ice Hotel with many sponsors and Artists who willingly came on board to support this course as the operation will be taking place in Mumbai, India which has a 91% curable rate.
This became the mission and goal for the Sandy family and the entertainment company. The date was set short notice as they had an opening as the Dr. Sharma is a very very busy doctor.
The Sandy family packed and left Cape Town 15 April 2017 for India to The Neurogen Stem Cell Therapy Institute.and would return on 22 April 2017.
Facebook: Sandy Pekeur-Sandy
Twitter: @sandyp791004