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Paul Dabek

paul dab

Paul Dabek

We are joined by international, comedic magician Paul Dabek, and we see what magic he can conjure up in the kitchen during the Cook-A-Long. The UK magician is apart of the line up for the for the Cape Town Funny Festival. Paul is bringing back the magic era as it seems to be dwindling in this these modern times.

Paul is here to bring back that magical twinkle in the eye that the world used to have but seems to have been lost now. He bridges the worlds of comedy and magic into one outstanding on stage performance, showing that magicians still deserve their place on the big stage and not just kiddies parties.

Paul Dabek has a large range of tricks from shadow puppetry, slight of hand tricks and illusions that will have audiences lost, as to what is going on and what he will be doing next. The element of surprise seems to be his calling card, as his shows are never what you expect.

They have a preconception that you can completely blow out of the water. So, sometimes it is quite good to hit them with something while they think they are going to see something else… So, for me it doesn’t matter what the public’s preconception is, as long as you exceed it.”

Paul blends his magic with a comedy act and just like his tricks, you never know what he is going to say next. People have often said that, ‘He’s like a stand-up that does magic!’, instead of the other way round.

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Twitter: @pauldabek
Facebook: Paul Dabek
Website: pauldabek.com

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