Nthabiseng Mokoena
Nthabiseng Mokoena is the Regional Advocacy Officer of AIDs & Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA), which they joined on 5 January 2015. They are a genderqueer intersex person who has worked extensively in the region on transgender and intersex human rights and access to healthcare. Before Joining ARASA, they were the Programmes and Staff Director at Transgender and Intersex Africa (TIA), an NPO advocating for the human rights of black transgender and intersex people in rural areas and townships of South Africa. Nthabiseng joined TIA in 2012 as the Advocacy Coordinator. They also worked as the Youth Programs Coordinator for the Coligny Youth Centre, an NGO based in the North West Province of South Africa which seeks to promote access to health services and economic opportunities for youth based in rural areas. She is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Public Health with the University of Roehampton.