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Nicole Sherwin

Eco Diva

Nicole Sherwin
Founder of Eco Diva Natural
Eco Diva Nicole Sherwin joins us in the loft to share the benefits of turmeric and shows us how to use the root herb as both a polish and a latte.
Nicole’s health journey began after she went through some tough years that took a massive toll on her body. She experienced adult acne, eczema, pigmentation and dehydration. After visiting dermatologists and skin experts, her condition seemed to worsen. 
She started researching ingredients in skincare and food products and discovered some of the harmful effects of some of the ingredients in our products. It was there on that she decided to change her life. She started focusing on superfood nutrients that are found in nature and soon realised that they were helping heal and transform her skin. 
Nicole also changed to a plant-based diet and was more conscious of what she put on and in her body. After seeing the miracles happening to her, she decided that she wanted to share these solutions with others and founded her online emporium “Eco Diva”. Eco Diva is an all-natural skincare and wellness range, offering products from face wash to facelift stones. 
Website: www.ecodiva.co.za 
Facebook: ecodivanatural
Twitter: @ecodivanicole 
Instagram: @ecodivanatural 

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