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Mrs Nopote

Mrs Nopote

Mrs Nopote 
Principal of Sinenjongo High School
We meet Mrs Nopote, Principal of Sinenjongo High School, as she chats to us about her matriculants that passed with top marks despite great adversity. She brings along her two top performing matriculants from the class of 2020, Siphelo Duba and Somila Mangcayi.
Mrs Nopote is like a mother to her students. She goes above and beyond to ensure that they have great futures, evening set up extra Saturday classes.
Somila Mangcayi was the top matriculant from the class of 2020, with an average of 76% and Siphelo Duba was just behind him with 75%. Siphelo is also the Maggies Rowley Sinenjongo Assistance Fund (MRSAF) Recipient.
Somila was accepted at Stellenbosch University to study medicine and Siphelo has been accepted to study mechanical engineering.

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