Moneoa Moshesh
We are joined by singer, songwriter and actress Moneoa Moshesh, as she speaks about what she has to deal with in her life and how she has made it to this point in her career. She started out as a dancer but was persuaded by family and friends to pursue a career in singing. Her sound sound is described as a combination of afro pop and neo soul.
Moneoa was born to a single mother in Mthatha. Her grandmother was the first self-made female millionaire, after selling vetkoeks on the side of the rad for about twenty years and putting herself through school to obtain her LLB.
However her mother and sister lacked the knowledge of how to invest and ended up using all of their inheritance. Even though her mother worked hard she still could not afford to provide Moneoa with all she required, who at times had to walk long distances to get to school, which she now accredits to have kept her in shape.