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Eustace Mashimbye

Eustace Mashimbye

Eustace Mashimbye
CEO of Proudly SA
The CEO of Proudly SA, Eustace Mashimbye, chats to us about the We Cook! Session which forms part of the 2021 9th annual and 1st virtual Proudly South African Buy Local Summit & Expo.
Proudly South African is the country’s official buy local advocacy campaign that seeks to increase the uptake of locally grown, produced and manufactured goods and services by the public sector, the private sector and by consumers.
Founded in 2001, the campaign was born out of the 1998 Presidential Job Summit which was convened by the late former President Nelson Mandela. The campaign is aligned with the government’s objective of combating poverty, inequality and unemployment.
Proudly South African’s slogan is “Buy Local to Create Jobs” and is based off their objective. They hope to boost job creation by promoting South African Companies and their products and services.
Instagram: @proudly.sa
Twitter: @ProudlySA
Twitter: @EusMas
Facebook: @proudlysa



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