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Defining Media

Defining Media

Defining Media

We chat to the creators of Defining Media, the digital media start-up with the vision of unleashing the potential that the youth of South Africa has to offer through captivating, creative and wholesome storytelling.

The team consists of Dennis Ngango (Digital Content Creator) and Bongani Baloyi (Videographer/Photographer) who together create video content of compelling conversations with guests around South African culture and celebrate the ways our youth seek meaning, connect, find purpose and so much more.

This content is distributed on their YouTube channel that has over 82 thousand subscribers and 1.6 million views to date... Providing the young voices in media with a platform to claim their power and make their stories heard!

Instagram: @dennisngango

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Snuggling under a warm blanket
Sitting by the fireplace
Drinking rooibos tea
Using an electric heater
Enjoying a hot bowl of soup

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