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Debbie Patten

debbi patten

Debbie Patten

Joining us today is single mom of two, Debbie Patten. Debbie went from being a city girl to living in the bush.

She was a typical corporate worker, attending meetings, spending hours in traffic, stressing about targets and daily deadlines and then she gave it all up. After 16 years of working in media she decided that it was time to make a change. With her kids being independent she could now focus on what she needed and desired. She saw an advert on Facebook for a Vervet Monkey Baby mom based in Limpopo and just couldn’t resist the photo attached nor the idea of adventure and a new challenge.

To her surprise she got the job and the rest is history.

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Snuggling under a warm blanket
Sitting by the fireplace
Drinking rooibos tea
Using an electric heater
Enjoying a hot bowl of soup

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