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Dealing with Down Syndrome

down syndrome

Dealing with Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome is a random occurrence that happens in 1 of every 1000 births in South Africa and is the most frequent chromosomal abnormality to occur during the time of conception and is not a disease, but a random occurrence. It is caused due to the individual with it, having an extra chromosome, instead of the having 46, they have 47 chromosomes.

Dr Sheri Brynard
We talk to Dr Sheri Brynard, who is the first person in the world with Down Syndrome to receive a tertiary teachers diploma. She received the diploma in Educare, without any concessions or amendments to the course being made. She managed to do this with all her study material and lectures being in English, which her second language. Dr Sheri Brynard is now an assistant teacher at a Pre-primary school that caters for learners with special needs. She travels around the world giving motivational speaches as an international ambassador for all people with Down Syndrome

Venessa Govender
We also chat to Venessa Govender, who has a daughter with Down Syndrome, and she shares her realities of what it’s like raising a child with Down Syndrome. Just 30 minutes after the birth of her 4 year-old daughter Ollie, Venessa was told that she was born with Down Syndrome. Venessa also works with Down Syndrome Western Cape, she will be also be informing us of her insights from her volunteer work there.

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