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Picnic Masterclass with Chef Ayay


Roll out the picnic blanket and settle in for more outdoor dining tips as Chef Ayabonga Gope is back in our kitchen for a picnic-inspired masterclass.
Boerewors rolls are one of those dishes that can be enjoyed just about anywhere, even at picnics. That is why we’re making our own version of boerewors rolls but with a delicious spin of sweet and sour chutney and some yummy coleslaw.
We are making another elegant outdoor entertaining recipe – Clover Chicken Skewer Wraps with a Cheesy Filling and an Apple and Pea Pesto!
What’s one salad that is always enjoyed at a picnic? For us, it is a delicious Potato Salad and this week, we’re making it with a hearty Steak. 
All of those delicious dishes we enjoy in the outdoors need a carrier, and what better way to soak up the flavours than with some decadently flavoured bread. This week we will be giving you two options – Caprese Bread and a fan favourite Garlic Bread!
Who believes in fairies? Well, we do! And we will let you in on a secret... we believe in giants too. That is why Chef Aya is baking a Giant Fairy Cake with Clover Bliss Medium Cream Chocolate Dairy Dessert. All these recipes are available on our recipe portal at https://afternoonexpress.co.za/recipes.php

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