Episode 72 • 11 August 2015
Fracking experts talk about the pros and cons of the controversial industry.
Afternoon Express is not just about cooking, fun and inspiring stories, we also like to get down to real subjects. Today, we speak about the controversial fracking industry and energy source found by using high pressured water to extract gas and oil from rocks deep below the earth's surface.
Fracking has been controversial because of the damage it may cause to the environment, such as polluting water and creating earthquakes. In the loft, we have two specialists Jonathan Deal and Ivo Vegter, journalists who have spent years investigating the matter and they will discuss the pros and cons. Joining them are anti-fracking documentary filmmakers Mira Dutschke and Jolynn Minnaar.
Also on the show, Test Kitchen and Pot Luck Club's Luke Dale Roberts - superstar chef - will be showing us a peanut honeycomb popcorn treat, our First For Women series continues with guest M'lani Bosson, and in the kitchen beef steaklets are on the menu.
Missed out on this episode? Watch it in full below: