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Episode 39 • 25 June 2015

Afternoon Express, Episode 39, 25 June 2015

Episode 39

On this Fashion Thursday edition, we have Jackie Burger and Thandie Dowery in the loft.

Jackie Burger is South Africa's very own devil in Prada, and has worked as an editor for some of the country's biggest magazines such as Elle. She has since left the magazine world and now runs the Studio58 website, a forum where Jackie can help other women develop their own personal style.

Thandie Dowery is a New York-born, South African creative who specialises in crafting jewellery, home accessories and stationery made from authentic shweshwe fabrics. By day, she works as a senior content manager for a creative agency, while her evenings are dedicated to growing her brand. She is currently based in Cape Town where she hopes to pursue her brand full time.

Afternoon Express, Episode 39, 25 June 2015

Also on the show, Alexis Chaffe Mey returns to reveal Skip's three fashion designers who will showcase each city's (Cape Town, Joburg and Durban) unique #MyFabulous style. Claire is back in the kitchen cooking up a slow-roasted pork belly dish, and Thandie and Jackie show us some trendy ways to wear your little black dress.

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