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Earl Mentor

Earl Mentor

Earl Mentor
With us in studio today is author and activist, Earl Mentor who wrote Cape Flats Karma “A Biography of a Coloured Seed”.
Born and Bred in Ocean View, Earl was involved with a very negative group of people, which led him to experiment with drugs and gangs. This dangerous and unhealthy lifestyle went on for three years, which came to an abrupt end with the death of his best friend in 1998.
His experiences in life has led him to take an active role in assisting people through his work with various NGO’s, life coaching, speaking and mentoring. He has a coaching space called “Team Rise”. He is a certified life coach and peace builder. He studied Human Sciences, more specifically the inner workings of the mind. He started studying to be a Personal Transformation Development Coach through the help of Rudi Jürgens, a Swizz-based Life Coach. This not only helped himself but many others around him. He shares the social ills in his community through his coaching, workshops and self published books. He inspires and empower people to live their best lives with joy and passion.
Social Media:
Instagream: Mentorearl

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