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Bastien Gonzales

Bastien Gonzalez

Bastien Gonzalez

World renowned pedicurist and podiatrist Bastien Gonzales visits the loft.

Joining us in the loft is World Renowned Pedicurist & Podiatrist, Bastien Gonzalez. Feet are something most of us find weird and we’d prefer to just shove them in a pair of shoes and pretend like they don’t exist. This is not the case for our first guest. His passion for healthy feet has made him world famous, and his glamorous and unique approach to foot treatments, have led him to work with the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Campbell and Robert DeNiro. In his career, he has done more than 58 000 pedicures. That’s 116,000 feet - or 580,000 individual toes. 

Bastien Gonzalez


Official Website: bastiengonzalez.com
Facebook: Révérence de Bastien
Twitter: @gonzalezbastien

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