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7de Laan's Die Welmans

7de Laan's Die Welmans

7de Laan's Die Welmans

7de Laan's newest family Die Welmans visit the Afternoon Express loft.

Before the Terreblanches held sway in Hillside, there were the Welmans. Originally unseen at the beginning of the show's first season in 2000, the Welmans make their 'return' to the Laan after being overseas for the past 16 years. 

The Welmans are portrayed by David Rees, as patriarch Chris Welman, Deirdre Wolhunter as matriarch Mariaan Welman, former Generations star Carina Nel as older sister Alexa, Villa Rosa's André Lotter as son Rikus and newcomer Kristen Raath as youngest daughter Amorey Welman.

7de Laan's Die Welmans


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