We take a look at K9SARA - the K9 Search and Rescue Association of South Africa.
When you're out hiking and you realize you've passed the same dead tree for the third time, and sundown is 20 minutes away, highly trained and refined dogs like Shilo the bordecollie and Brooke the prointer, with the K9 Search and Rescue Association of South Africa may be your only chance of making it home!
The K9 Search and Rescue Association of South Africa (K9SARA-SA) was founded in December 1998 when a few members of the Mountain Club’s Wilderness Search and Rescue team, who saw search dogs in operation, realized that dogs are a valuable resource on any search. It was felt that if we could have a trained team of search dogs ready to go at a moment’s notice, it could cut down on the time needed to find a missing person.
Official website: K9SARA
Official website: beeno.co.za
Facebook: Beeno
Twitter: @Beeno_ZA