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Toddlers Can Take It out of You!

Toddlers Can Take It out of You!

Toddlers Can Take It out of You!

Tips for Moms on keeping tots occupied with Ridza Beattie from Moms & Tots in Rondebosch.

When it comes to health and well-being, moms need reassurance that they’ re making the right choices for their children. Fortunately with the natural goodness of the Freshpak Junior and Baby range you can rest assured you’re making the best choice for everyday health.
Now with, toddlers, we all know about the terrible twos and tantrums – but this is also an energetic time filled with inquisitiveness and sheer joy as they discover the world around them. For moms it’s important to channel all that energy so your toddler keeps busy and doesn’t become bored or bothered which leads to temperament changes.
With us today in the loft is Ridza Beattie - a mother to four beautiful children and facilitator at Moms & Tots, Rondebosch, where once a week she dedicates her time in running a development program for toddlers (1 - 4 years) to enhance co-ordination and perception skills and enrich the mother/toddler relationship.  

Toddlers Can Take It out of You!

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