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NutriLiving for Kids

NutriLiving for Kids

NutriLiving for Kids 

Kelly Schreuder chats about kids' nutrition needs.

While NutriBullet encourages us to lead a healthy lifestyle, by simply incorporating a NutriBlast a day into our lives, when it comes to the young ones, it might take a little bit more convincing. We all know that the struggle is real when trying to feeds kids vegetables, and so often parents rather give up. With NutriBullet it is so easy, as they make it simple and fun to create healthy and nutritious snacks and disguising those feared greens.

Today we have Kelly Schreuder, Registered Dietician and Private Chef, back in the loft to tell us more, as well as two kids who will show us just how easy it is to use a NutriBullet, even for kids! 


Official SA Website: nutribullet.co.za
Facebook: Nutribullet South Africa
Twitter: @NutriBulletSA
Instagram: @nutribullet_sa 

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