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Freshpak - What's in a Teabag?

What's in a Teabag Freshpak Feature on Afternoon Express

Freshpak - What's in a Teabag?

We learn about rooibos, what makes it unique and how it’s made.

You're in for another instalment of the Freshpak Natural Goodness series. Dropping a bag of rooibos tea into a cup and pouring over some hot water is all it takes for us to have a delicious cuppa in a matter of minutes, but what actually goes into the making of this wonderful natural product?

We have tea master Chanaaka who will explain to us what goes into the process of making rooibos tea, from picking the leaves all the way to making a cuppa!


Official website: Freshpak
Facebook: Freshpak Rooibos Tea
Twitter: @MakeItRooibos

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What's your favourite way to stay warm in Winter?
Snuggling under a warm blanket
Sitting by the fireplace
Drinking rooibos tea
Using an electric heater
Enjoying a hot bowl of soup

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