Princess Project: Up-Cycled Style
Alexis Chaffe Mey and Kobus Dippenaar share insight into upcycling dresses for Matric Dance.
This Dance Season, Skip have partnered with The Princess Project to encourage even more dress donations, so that every Matric girl can have the dance of their dreams. But if the dress you’d like to part with, isn’t quite trendy enough to gift a teenage girl – don’t be discouraged; The Princess Project are masters at making over old seasoned styles into something new and fabulous.
Joining us in The Loft to share their insights into up-cycling fashion are Designer, Kobus Dippenaar and Fashion Consultant, Alexis Chaffe Mey.
The Princess Project
Official Website:
Facebook: Princess Project
Alexis Chaffe Mey
Twitter: @alexischaffe
Instagram: @alexischaffemey
Kobus Dippenaar
Official Website:
Facebook: Kobus Dippenaar
Facebook: SkipGlobal
Twitter: @SkipSouthAfrica
Instagram: @skipsouthafrica