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Designer Gert Johan Coetzee chats fashion

Designer Gert Johan Coetzee chats the latest fashion in the Afternoon Express penthouse

We chat fashion with designer Gert Johan Coetzee

Renowned South African designer Gert Johan Coetzee gives us the industry insider scoop on the latest in fashion.

At just 19, Gert Johan Coetzee won a ‘SAs Most Promising Young Designer’ award and nine years later this prophecy has come true, as Gert is now one of the most well-known designers in Africa. Regularly the hottest show at SA fashion week, Gert is loved for his glamorous clothes and trademark hairstyle.

We chat to Gert about his latest range and then view some of the incredible pieces her has designed.


Gert Johan Coetzee
Website: gertjohancoetzee.com
Facebook: Gert-Johan-Coetzee-PtyLtd
Twitter: @gertjohan
Instagram: @gertjohancoetzee

Jeannie D chats to Gert Johan Coetzee on Afternoon Express

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