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The Afternoon Express Mel Brooks’ ‘The Producers’ ticket – give-away

1.1.	The Afternoon Express Mel Brooks’ ‘The Producers’ ticket – give-away

The Afternoon Express Mel Brooks’ ‘The Producers’ ticket give-away 

win 2 tickets to go and watch ‘The Producers’ at Pieter Toerien’s Theatre on the Bay in Cape Town or Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre in Johannesburg, then enter our SMS competition by SMSing the keyword “WIN” followed by your full name and city to 33650. SMS’s cost R1.50 and free SMS’s do not apply


How to Enter
win 2 tickets to go and watch ‘The Producers’ at Pieter Toerien’s Theatre on the Bay in Cape Town or Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre in Johannesburg, then enter our SMS competition by SMSing the keyword “WIN” followed by your full name and city to 33650. SMS’s cost R1.50 and free SMS’s do not apply

Competition Opens: 16:00, 17 December 2019

Competition Closes: 23:59, 23 February 2020 December 2019

Important clauses which may limit our responsibility, place an obligation on you to indemnify us, involve an acknowledgment of any fact or involve some risk for you will be in bold and italics. You must pay special attention to these clauses.

  1. Introduction

1.1.               The Afternoon Express Mel Brooks’ ‘The Producers’ ticket – give-away (Competition) will be run by Cardova Trading (Pty) Ltd (collectively the organisers/we/us/our).
1.2.               Each person entering the Competition (entrants/you/your) and/or accepting a Prize in terms of this Competition agrees and accepts that the Competition rules as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on him/her.

  1. Competition Period

2.1.  Entries for the Competition will open at 17h00 on Friday, 21 February 2020  and will close at midnight on Sunday, 23 February 2020 (Competition Period).

  1. Who can enter

3.1.               In order to be eligible to enter the Competition:
3.1.1.                            you must be a legal, permanent resident of the Republic of South Africa residing in the city of Cape Town or Johannesburg/Pretoria;
3.1.2.                            you must be 18 (eighteen) years of age or older; and
3.1.3.                            you must be a natural person.
3.2.               Notwithstanding clause 3.1, you are not eligible to enter this Competition if:
3.2.1.                            you are a director, member, partner, employee, agent or consultant of the organisers of the Competition, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the organisers;or
3.2.2.                            you are an immediate family member of any of the persons specified in clause 3.2.1, including a director, member, partner, employee, agent or consultant of the organisers of the Competition, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the organisers;or
3.2.3.                            you are a supplier of goods or services in connection with the Competition.

  1. How to Enter

4.1.               SMS the keyword “WIN” followed by your full name and city to 33650 within the Competition Period.
4.2.               Once you meet the requirements set out in clause 3 above and this clause 4, you will automatically be entered into the draw.
4.3.               You may enter the Competition as many times as you like to increase your chances of winning.
4.4.               SMS' will be charged at R1.50 (one rand and fifty cents) per SMS entry. Free or bundled SMS' do not apply.

  1. How the Winner is determined

5.1.               We will randomly draw 2 (two) entrants (Winners) – 1 (one) from the Cape Town area and 1 (one) from the Johannesburg/Pretoria area –  by means of an automated system within 24 (twenty-four) hours after the Competition Period closes
5.2.               We will contact the Winner within 1 (one) day from the draw on the cell phone number from which the entry was sent. If a Winner is not contactable within 1 (one) day from the prize draw, and after we have made at least 3 (three) attempts to contact the Winner, that Winner will forfeit the Prize and we shall have the right to select a different Winner on the same conditions except that we will only be required to make 1 (one) attempt to contact each further Winner drawn.
5.3.               The Winner will be required to provide a copy of his/her Identification Document as required in terms of the Consumer Protection Act, 68 of 2008. If the Winner fails to provide a copy of his/her Identification Document within 3 (three) days from being requested to do so, the Winner will forfeit the Prize and shall have no claim against us.

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