Stand a chance to win a set of double tickets!
5 winners will each receive a set of double tickets to The All Nations Reggae Fest taking place on 12 November 2016.
To enter:
SMS the keyword "EXPRESS", followed by "CTN" (should you wish to attend the Cape Town show), or JHB (should you wish to attend the Johannesburg show), followed by your name and City (e.g. EXPRESS/JHB/NAME/CITY) to 33650 within the Competition Period.
Competition details:
Competition opens: 26 October 2016 at 17:00pm
Competition closes: 26 October 2016 at 23:59pm
Terms and conditions apply
Important clauses which may limit our responsibility, place an obligation on you to indemnify us, involve an acknowledgment of any fact or involve some risk for you will be in bold and italics. You must pay special attention to these clauses.
- Introduction
1.1. The Afternoon Express All Nations Reggae Fest Competition (Competition) will be run by Cardova Trading (Pty) Ltd (Organisers/we/us/our).
1.2. Each person entering the Competition (entrants/you/your) and/or accepting a Prize in terms of this Competition agrees and accepts that the Competition rules as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on him/her.
- Competition Period
Entries for the Competition will open at 17h00 on Wednesday, 26 October 2016 and will close at 23h59 on Wednesday, 26 October 2016 (Competition Period).
- Who can enter
3.1. In order to be eligible to enter the Competition:
3.1.1. you must be a legal, permanent resident of the Republic of South Africa;
3.1.2. you must be at least 18 (eighteen) years of age or older; and
3.1.3. you must be a natural person.
3.2. Notwithstanding clause 3.1, you are not eligible to enter this Competition if:
3.2.1. you are a director, member, partner, employee, agent or consultant of the Organisers, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the Organisers;
3.2.2. you are an immediate family member of any of the persons specified in clause 3.2.1; or
3.2.3. you are a supplier of goods or services in connection with the Competition.
- How to Enter
4.1. Entrants must, SMS the keyword "EXPRESS", followed by "CTN" (should you wish to attend the Cape Town show), or JHB (should you wish to attend the Johannesburg show), followed by your name and City (e.g. EXPRESS/JHB/NAME/CITY) to 33650 within the Competition Period.
4.2. Once you meet the requirements set out in clause 3 above and this clause 4, you will automatically be entered into the Competition.
4.3. You may enter the Competition as many times as you like to increase your chances of winning.
4.4. SMS' will be charged at R 1.50 (one rand and fifty cents) per SMS entry. Free or bundled SMS' do not apply.
- How the winners are determined
5.1. 10 (Ten) winners (Winner/s) (5 (five) for the Johannesburg Concert and 5 (five) for Cape Town Concert) will be selected randomly by means of an automated system from the valid entries received within the Competition Period within 48 (forty-eight) hours from the closing date of the Competition.
5.2. We will contact the Winners within 3 (three) days from the prize draw on the cell phone number from which the entries were sent. If a Winner is not contactable within 3 (three) days from the prize draw, and after we have made at least 3 (three) attempts to contact the Winner, that Winner will forfeit the prize and we shall have the right to select a different Winner on the same conditions except that we shall only be required to make 1 (one) attempt to contact each further Winner drawn.
5.3. Each Winner will be required to provide a copy of his/her Identification Document as required in terms of the Consumer Protection Act, 68 of 2008. If a Winner fails to provide a copy of his/her Identification Document within 3 (three) days from being requested to do so, that Winner will forfeit the Prize and shall have no claim against us.
5.4. The Winners may also be announced live on Afternoon Express once the Winner is confirmed.
- The Prizes
6.1. The 10 (ten) Winners will each receive a set of 2 (two) tickets to the All Nations Reggae Fest, 5 (five) Winners will be selected for the All Nations Reggae Fest taking place at the Carfex in Johannesburg on 5 November 2016 and 5 (five) Winners will be selected for All Nations Reggae Fest taking place at the Castle of Goodhope in Cape Town on 12 November 2016.
6.2. The Prize excludes all items not mentioned in clause 6.1 and is subject to the terms and conditions of any third parties providing services or items included in the Prize.
6.3. The Prize does not include any travel costs or arrangements. The Winners are required make their own arrangements to attend the All Nations Reggae Fests in either city.
6.4. We will contact the Winner per telephone to to make arrangements for delivery or collection of the Prize.
6.5. The Prize, or any part thereof, may not be exchanged for cash any other item. Prizes are not transferable. We reserve the right to substitute the Prize, or part thereof, with any other prize of a similar commercial value.
- General
7.1. Any reference to the organisers/we/us/our includes the directors, members, partners, sponsors, agents or consultants of the organisers, where the context allows for it.
7.2. The Winners will only be confirmed once valid copies of their identification documents are received and a validation process has taken place.
7.3. The Organisers' decision regarding any matter concerning the Competition and/or arising out of these terms and conditions, including the determination of the Winners, is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
7.4. Where relevant, if a Winner does not accept the Prize as required herein, if an entry is not valid for whatever reason, if a Winner has breached these terms and conditions, if a Winner renounces the Prize or we deem such Winner to have renounced the Prize, we reserve the right to declare the Prize forfeited and/or choose a new Winner.
7.5. Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to, or must be understood to, unlawfully restrict, limit or avoid any rights or obligations, as the case may be, created for either the entrants or the organisers in terms of the Consumer Protection Act, 68 of 2008.
7.6. We will need to process your personal information to validate your entry and, if you are Winner, to make the Prize available to you. By entering this Competition, you specifically consent to us processing your personal information for these purposes.
7.7. We assume no risk and/or liability whatsoever for the failure of any technical element in the Competition which may result in your entry not being successfully submitted and/or the Winner not successfully receiving or taking up the Prize. Once the Winner accepts the Prize, the Winner accepts the Prize at his/her own risk.
7.8. We assume no liability whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss, harm or damage arising from your participation and/or any Prize awarded in the Competition or for any loss or damage, howsoever arising. All persons, whilst participating in this Competition, indemnify and hold us harmless for any loss, damage, harm or injury (whether arising from negligence or otherwise) which may be sustained as a result of any claim, costs, expense, loss or damages which may be made by any third party.
7.9. If required by the Minister of Trade and Industry, the National Consumer Commission or for whatever other reason, we will have the right to modify or terminate this Competition with immediate effect and without notice of such modification or termination. In such event, all entrants hereby waive any rights, which they may have against us and hereby acknowledge that they will have no recourse or claim of any nature whatsoever against us.1.1. SMS the keyword "EXPRESS", followed by "CTN" (should you wish to attend the Cape Town show), or JHB (should you wish to attend the Johannesburg show), followed by your name and City (e.g. EXPRESS/JHB/NAME/CITY) to 33650 within the Competition Period.